Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Lighten Up

“Stand on the highest pavement of the stair—           
Lean on a garden urn—           
Weave, weave the sunlight in your hair—           
Clasp your flowers to you with a pained surprise—           
Fling them to the ground and turn                
With a fugitive resentment in your eyes:           
But weave, weave the sunlight in your hair.”
            -T.S. Elliot La Figlia Che Piange

I cannot exactly tell you what this quote by T.S. Elliot is actually about, I cannot tell you that I know how to pronounce the title of this poem, but I can tell you I’m liking the idea he is trying to get across:  WEAVE, WEAVE THE SUNLIGHT IN YOUR HAIR!  Finally the sun is out, hot, and (fingers crossed) we think it’s here to stay! It's about that time to throw in a couple highlights in your hair!
There’s something about the look of having the sunlight in you hair that is just, so…"Southern California Summertime Chic."  Those golden rays of sunshine are looking for some highlights to catch in you hair to give it that gorgeous summer glow.  So let’s lighten up!

Of course, the degree of how light you go depends entirely on the color of your hair, but just because you have dark hair doesn't mean you need to shy away at the thought of highlights!   The truth is, if you’re outside in this beautiful weather, the sun is going to begin to lighten your hair naturally – so don’t fight it!  In fact, embrace it!  Sun-kissed hair is a good look on everyone!  We’re not talking about streaky, skunk-like blonde highlights on your head, we’re talking about a nice carmel-y warmth, just adding a hint of lightness to certain parts of your hair, giving it dimension and the constant “sun is shining” look. Here are some examples of what I’m talking about:

From there, the spectrum of lightness continues…depending on how blonde you want to be for these upcoming summer months. 

Are you loving some of these colors?  Pick out the color highlight that matches with your hair color now, bring the pic into the salon, and we’ll match it!  All that time you are spending out in the sun (with sunscreen we hope), it will continue to brighten those highlights – giving you that consistent, coveted summer glow.  So let’s do it!  Let Felix Design Studio weave, weave the sunlight in your hair!

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